15 months old peahen 🦚
Peafowl in general are quite fascinating animals. There is an Indian mythos about peafowl that has been taught to children for generations. One may observe how naturally beautiful and exotic peafowl are. Yet, they are one of the loudest birds, giving one of the most alarming calls that one may describe as “ugly” or “annoying.” As the mythos would conclude, just as the proud peacock, we cannot be good at everything, so be content with what we have been blessed with. No truer words can be said to describe the regal Purple Peafowl.
Purple Peacocks display a deep purple head, neck, breast, and belly. The purple continues into their train, as well as teal-blue to different shades of blue. The shoulder of the Purple Peacock appears cameo to oaten brown, but could also display some green and blue like the regular Blackshoulder Peacock. Purple Peahens have a cameo to oaten brown shading to a light creamy white throughout their body. Some Purple Peahens may display some purple or green feathers around their head or neck.
If you never had peafowl before, the only real drawback could be the noise coming from the peacock. Other than that, peafowl are generally easy to take care of. If you ever had pheasants, then you already know the routine, as peafowl are some of the world’s largest pheasants! Further, they don’t eat as much grain as you think they would. We also enjoy giving them various seed throughout their enclosure so they don’t get bored looking for food. If they aren’t getting enough protein, some folks provide cat food. We recommend giving some tuna in olive oil. In sum, if you want to add something quite unique, stunning, and a great animal companion to your flock, then the Purple Peafowl is your choice. You’ll see why many have fallen in love with them. No wonder the Indian Blue Peafowl is the national bird of India.
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