Of all the ornamental chicken breeds, the Silkie Bantam is the most popular and most loved. Can’t you tell why? They’re the lap dog of the chicken world, complete with hair-like plumage and an incredibly sweet temperament. Silkies were originally bred in China, where they are still kept (and eaten) today. They have black skin and bones and 5 toes instead of the normal 4. In addition, Silkie hens make wonderful mothers and are even known to adopt baby ducks if given the chance! You will get a mix of bearded and non-bearded varieties with your Silkie order.
And, according to a recent poll we conducted, Silkies are a favorite choice as a pet for children! When stacked up against super popular breeds like Orpingtons, Cochins, Brahmas and Easter Eggers, they were a top choice.
Related Articles:
- Silkie Chicken: The Ultimate Guide
- Chicken Breed List: Silkie
- How to Identify Baby Chicks with Leg Bands
- Baby Chick Identification Photos
- Baby Chicks: Behind the Scenes
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