Barred Plymouth Rocks are a beloved heritage breed known for their striking black-and-white “barred” feather pattern. With a history dating back to the early 19th century, these chickens have retained their popularity for generations due to their consistent egg production, friendly disposition, and overall hardiness.
One of the standout qualities of Barred Plymouth Rocks is their docile and friendly nature. These chickens are great for families with children, as they are known for being easy to handle and less prone to aggressive behavior. Their calm demeanor makes them an excellent addition to any backyard flock.
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Hatching Egg ordering information:
- We like making our customers happy. You’ll likely receive free egg(s) with your purchase!
Hatching Egg order minimum:
Please note: We have three farm locations that we ship from. There is a six-egg minimum from each farm that you choose to order from.
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